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Time Log

The below text is an example of a time log for a visual project that we are currently undergoing. To Logging times will come in use use to ensure efficiency in editing.

Only the 20 min+ clips have been logged due to the short length of the other footage.

'Barry the mechanic'

0'00 - 0'10 - Tool Box shot - Use as filler
0'10 - 04'20 - Various side profile shots of Barry - an introduction to protagonist
05'00 - 07'37 - "Wheeler Dealer" - Shots of the care an concentration used by a mechanic (face shots)
07'40 - 12'42 - Barry acknowledges camera man to explain his actions - clear footage of enthusiasm and contentment for what his trade.
12'46 - 15.23 - Various experimental shots that can be used as fillers
15'41-16'31 - Possible intro shots of garage (sign etc)
16'35-19'20 - 'Banter' - Barry and Tim having a joke
19'30-26'12 - Explanation of the heart of his profession -'the engine'
27'07-27'30 - 'Trick of the trade' - use Vaseline instead of oil to lubricate and prevent rust
28'54 - 32'42 - Acknowledges camera again (banter part 2?) - low-side shots of Barry at work.
32'50-33'58 - Car lifted up and down (blur license plate)
34'00-35'28 - Final Touches
35'38-37'42 - Introduction of secretary and Tim's daughter
38'00-End - Random semi-usable shots that can be used as fillers

'Tim the mechanic'

0'00-05'44 - Various shots of Tim (owner of garage), the whole time he does not acknowledge camera - very focused
06'10-06'53 - Shots of the office - certificates - very messy - local ambience
07'00-07'58 - Under car shots - car lifts up
08'10 -13'14 - A range of shots: oil dripping, acknowledgement of camera man, opens up (banter)
13'50 - 21'32 - "Wheeler Dealer 2" - Could use editing method of speeding up shot.
23'02-26'52 - Wheel to tyre to wheel transition shot
24'35-26'52 - Tight shots of Tim
25'56-32'43 - Customer interaction - very familiar - very comfortable. Phone call received while dealing with customer in garage
32'33 - 33'54 - 'Let's talk business'
34'00 - End Last touches on wheels - good car movement shots

Train station - Feet shot

0'00 - 11'55 - Continuous sped -up shot of waking feet - lovely change of colour halfway where the sun is setting and the artificial light replaces natural

11'59-15'19 - Various manic and rapid moving shots

15'20-17'12 - Entrance Shots

17'56 - 18'10 - 'Winchester Station'

18'55 - 19'43 - Low shots of station entrance

19'44 - 31'12 - Curb shot - The rain eventually covers the lens creating the visual effect of 'flashing lights'

31'52-End - Bus timetable shot - Ending with library at night

Road Side Hill

0'00-16'20 - Sped up shots of road side traffic
16'25-31'50 - Stopped and questioned by the police
32'00-42'55 - Camera angled toward hill of oncoming traffic
42'56 - End - In car filming - on top of roof shots - very unsteady and jerky shots

Feet Shot

Create sped-up effect in editing - emphasis on sun set - slow down fast forward for when the colours change.

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